FileFinder documentation#

FileFinder allows to specify the structure of filenames using a simple syntax. Parts of the file structure varying from file to file are indicated within named groups, either with format strings or regular expressions (with some pre-defined values for some names). Once setup, it can:

  • Find corresponding files in a directory (and sub-directories)

  • Parse values from the filenames

  • Select only filenames with specific values

  • Generate filenames

The following example will find all files with the structure Data/[year]/Temperature_[depth]_[date].nc:

finder = Finder('/.../Data', '%(Y)/Temperature_%(depth:fmt=d)_%(Y)%(m)%(d).nc')
files = finder.get_files()

We can also select only some files, for instance only in january:

finder.fix_group('m', 1)
files = finder.get_files()

We can retrieve values from found files:

filename, matches = finder.files[0]
depth = matches["depth"]
# the date as a datetime object
date = filefinder.library.get_date(matches)

And we can generate a filename with a set of parameters:

finder.make_filename(depth=100, Y=2000, m=1, d=1)
# Specifying the month is optional since we already fixed it to 1.


FileFinder can be installed directly from pip:

pip install filefinder

or from source with:

pip install -e


Source code: Descanonge/filefinder

Indices and tables#